Jaspreet Sangha's Story:​
I used my spoken word poetry to explore my experience, and that of so many young South Asian women, of mental health stigma and my journey with anxiety and depression.
We live in a world where we feel it is not okay not to be okay and rather than working on our own inner self-confidence and self-love, we are a society that has learnt how to bottle ourselves in. We equate strength with silence. But what I have recognised through my life journey is that the bravery and true strength lies in sharing these stories and the more we do that the less they will be a taboo.
Growing up in a traditional Indian family and community, I had already heard negative labels given to people suffering from mental health issues. The on-going stigma forced me to remain closed off and I continued to suffer in silence. My depression even led me to suicidal thoughts, but I used my poetry as my outlet and it truly saved me. Many people within the South Asian community still believe that mental health issues are a sign of bad 'karam,' you'd be unable to get married and would bring shame on the family. It will take time, but with more awareness, openness and safe spaces to share our stories we can be the generation to end this stigma.