Anushruti Thakar's story:
Whenever we see/hear about someone being physically injured or being sick, we run to their aid. We offer to make visits, provide any additional help, flowers, food, you name it. However, the second we face people dealing with mental health issues, we shy away from them. Don't want to talk, don't want to interact, don't want to deal with the situation and don't even mention helping. The double standard we have against our own bodies and the people around us. A brain is as important as our heart, arms or stomach (maybe more). Still we could run to sign a cast but fail to show any empathy for someone who is suffering from depression. I want to lessen this gap and that is why I am working towards my goal of becoming a social worker. I am passionate about these issues because I believe in a community where it is considered safe and healthy to talk about mental health issues like any other. People should not be shamed for something they don't have a control on. If anything then diversity should be embraced and accepted.