Priyanka Bose's Story:
The urgency of taking matters in my own hands, about my self care, is optimum . And should be for everybody. There are also ways we can help each other, bringing attention to perspective. We owe this to each other , as friends, as colleagues, as a community. There is someone in need of an intervention or just someone who can be heard. Depression, anxiety, cognitive behavioral issues are in alll of us. When things get too much and you can’t pretend anymore. From the slightest change in the chemistry in the human body, Childhood traumas , we all have trigger points. We are all, in this so called ‘Modern Society’ , fighting for space, a safe place of trust . Bringing attention to councilling and therapy are not social Taboos anymore. This should ideally be accepted as a compulsory ‘thing to do’ like visiting the Dentist is a part of our schedule. The society fails it’s people with a projection of a false sense of selling positivism, like it’s a pill, one can down. ‘Keeping it Real’ also means that, you are more vulnerable to the ‘bullies’ , no matter what age group. I have survived Both peer pressure and ‘modern’ day encounters to bullying. The more sensitive ones suffer. Some suffer in silence, some suffer in rage, some end the suffering by taking their lives. But the suffering never ends.