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Ruveen Kaur's Story:


If only I had known about what mental health is a few years ago, I wouldn’t have been so confused when the younger me found herself in depression. I didn’t have anybody to open up to. I felt too much of a burden, a problem, an issue that was only for me to solve and not anyone else. So I suffered quietly and alone. Some days were super hard because it’s so easy to tell others that “I’m not feeling well today, I have a cold” but not so easy to say “I’m not feeling well today, I don’t feel like living”. I tried telling myself that everything was okay - that didn’t work. I tried suppressing my emotional pain, and that definitely didn’t work either. If there were mental health social media platforms, and open mental health discussions back then, then maybe it would have been easier to deal and cope with my sadness. This is why I believe in mental health awareness, and an open mind to what others might be facing. It’s important to talk about our mental health without being ashamed or feeling guilty. Just the way our bodies get sick, our brains can feel unwell too. This is completely normal and this is completely fine. You are
not going crazy, and you are definitely not a burden on anyone. Let’s talk more about our mental health freely and we may realize that there is someone else that feels
exactly the way we do.

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