Reena's Story:
At a young age I feared becoming a women. Watching my father destroy everything that made my mother happy and abusing her were both part of my childhood. If the dishes weren't done he would throw the plates at her. If the house wasn't clean he would beat her with the broom. If he didn't like what she cooked he would throw it on the floor and make her clean it. My mother was constantly told to stay in her place.
I was 7 years old when my father found me playing with a soccer ball in our back yard. He grabbed me by my hair and dragged me into the kitchen screaming, " you're nothing but a future house wife, learn to stay in your place or you'll end up like your mother." I was terrified. But you can only be terrified for so long until it becomes anger. I told my self that I was going to get an education no matter what. That I was going to be a women who can stand up for her self. I prayed every morning and every night. I had hope and shit things aren't the best right now but it's a lot better than before. And I'm working my ass off trying to take care of my brothers and my mother and its gonna take a lot of work. But that's not gonna stop me cause that's what they want, they want me to give up, and I'm never giving in to that.